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The Bernese Mountain Dog has a thick coat of moderate length with a slight amount of waviness. The outter coat of the Bernese Mountain Dog tends not to matt easily, but will. Significant undercoat requires sufficient maintenance to remove hair shed. The breed sheds significantly, especially indoors. Like many other long coated breeds, the hair shed can and will remain in the undercoat until removed by proper brushing or combing. Hair shed not removed, with time, will wrap and compress around the existing hair coat, matting and tangling. This can happen immediately upon getting damp when the hair shed is not properly removed. Special care should be taken when brushing the Bernese Mt Dog to get all the way to the skin, with the proper brush. Matting of the coat can cause skin conditions as well as discomfort to the dog.

 If home maintenance is done properly; full service grooming is recommended every 4 weeks, if not professional grooming is recommended at least every 1-2 weeks.

For more information on home maintenance grooming and equipment please
contact our groomer! Advice is always free.

Remember all cuts and grooming shown is to the customer’s specifications.

Bernese Mountain Dog

Grooming required rating - Moderate

Full service grooming required (with home  maintenance): At least every 4 weeks.

Full service grooming required (without home  maintenance): At least every 1-2 weeks.

Home maintenance required at least weekly.

Crosley- Bernese Mt Dog - Amberly